This will describe the logging endpoints for flask



  • _k : Key, keeps different API services unique and easier to sort
  • _n : Name of event you want to record, this has a limit of 255 characters
  • _p : The identity of the person doing the event, this will likely be the users email address or possibly a unique id, has a limit of 255 characters
  • _t : Timestamp of the event in the unix epoch format, used to keep events unique. This should only be used if you want to create an event in the past.
  • _d : Data encoded in base64 format, this should only be used with the /events endpoint

JSON Format

This is the format we will use for JSON, this is the example for a singular event:

  '_n' : 'event name',
  '_p' : 'person'

Or for multiple events we may use a list of dictionaries:

    '_n' : 'event name',
    '_p' : 'person',
    'customProperty' : 'CustomDataHere'
    '_n' : 'second event name'


As this is intended to be a very lightweight event system, the results are simply sent back in the text/plain mimetype. All endpoints follow this response.

  • 1 - Data was logged
  • 0 - Error, data was not logged

Endpoint(GET): /e


required: _n

Any other properties you’d like:

such as in this example, gender=male:


This request translates out to have the values,

Sending data as base64:

If you choose to send the data in this manner it must adhere to the JSON format outlined above and then be encoded in base64.:

/e?_d=eyJldmVudCI6ICJnYW1lIiwgInBy<... truncated>&_k=KEY

Endpoint(POST): /e

Accepts encoded forms and JSON with the key used in a manner such that the URL below is the URL that should be POSTed to.:


Endpoint(GET): /events

List all of the events:


List with page limits of 25 per page on page 3 (un-implemented):


List between two times:


Listing with a specific event name:
